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Kuo-En CHANG | 張國恩

NTU Postdoctoral Researcher, Yr 2020

2013-2020 | Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering,
National Central University

Ph.D. Thesis: Analysis and Improvement of Soot Effects on Satellite Retrievals of Aerosol Properties

2008-2010 | M.S. Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering,
National Central University

  • Kuo-En Chang, Ta-Chih Hsiao, The Spatiotemporal Trend of Ozone Sensitivity in Central Taiwan Inferred from Satellite-based HCHO/NO2 Ratio, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • 張國恩、蕭大智、林唐煌, Effects of morphology on black carbon’s optical properties: from satellite reflectance to radiative forcing estimation , 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東科技大學, 24-25 Sep. 2021.

  • 張國恩、蕭大智、林唐煌, 開發新穎演算法反演向日葵八號衛星資料以獲得高時空間解析度之空品參數, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林科技大學, 25-26 Sep. 2020.

Tse-Lun CHEN | 陳則綸

Currently as Assisant Professor at Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University

NTU Postdoctoral Researcher, Yr 2021

2017-2020 | Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering,
National Taiwan University

Ph.D. Thesis: Modeling and Assessment of High-gravity Process for Multiple Air Pollutants Removal

2010-2012 | M.S. Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering,
National Taiwan University

  • Tse-Lun Chen, Stephen M. Griffith, Yu-Cheng Chen, Albert Y. Chen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Impacts of COVID-19 Level 3 Alert on Traffic related Air Pollution at the Near-road Measurement in Taipei Urban Area, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • Tse-Lun Chen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Seasonal Variation of Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds Pollution at Taipei Urban Traffic Area, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • Tse-Lun Chen, Yu-Hsuan Ho, Albert Y. Chen, Yu-Cheng Chen, and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Impacts of Level 3 COVID-19 Alert on Air Quality in Taipei Metropolitan: Implications for Emission Controls on PM Reduction, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東科技大學, 24-25 Sep. 2021.

Shing-Yow CHAO | 趙婞佑

NTU MS Thesis: Seasonal Particle Size Distribution and New Particle Formation in Central Taiwan


Tsai-Chia LEE | 李采珈

NTU MS Thesis: Health Risk Assessment of Ultrafine Particles (UFPs) and Non-Exhaust Emission Metals by Near-Road Monitoring


Yi-Han SU | 蘇奕翰

NTU MS Thesis: Enhancing Aerosol Characterization: Merging Particle Size Distributions and Retrieving Chemical Composition


Dong-Qing LI | 李東磬

NTU MS Thesis: Investigating Secondary Inorganic Aerosol Formation Mechanisms and the Influencing Factors in Taichung Area


  • Dong-Qing Li, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Characterization of Submicron Particles through Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) in Northern Taiwan : Composition and Potential Sources, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

Kuan-Chieh LEE | 李冠頡

NTU MS Thesis: The Impact and Control Strategies of Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity on Secondary Pollutants

碩士班同學 李冠頡 榮獲 第34屆環境工程學會 111年度空氣污染控制技術研討會 優秀論文獎

  • 李冠頡、蕭大智, 能見度劣化期間揮發性有機物特徵分析, 中華民國環境工程學會第三十四屆(2022)年會暨各專門學術研討會, 國立中山大學, 18-19 Nov. 2022.

  • Kuan-Chieh Lee, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Source Apportionment of PM2.5 Chemical Species and Particle Number Concentrations, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

Chin-Yu CHAN | 詹智宇

Research Assistant, Yr 2023

NTU MS Thesis: Impact of Particle Size Distribution, Chemical Composition, and Hygroscopic Property on Aerosol Light Extinction in Central Taiwan

  • 詹智宇、蕭大智, 台中地區能見度影響因子與衍生性氣膠的爆發性成長, 中華民國環境工程學會第三十四屆(2022)年會暨各專門學術研討會, 國立中山大學, 18-19 Nov. 2022.

  • Chin-Yu Chan, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Wen-Yinn Lin, Li-Hao Young, Shui-Jen Chen, Explosive Secondary Aerosol Formation Driven by Photochemistry and Aqueous Chemistry and Their Optical Property, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • Chin-Yu Chan, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Wen-Yinn Lin, Li-Hao Young, Shui-Jen Chen, Impact of particle size distribution, chemical composition, and hygroscopic property on aerosol light extinction, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東科技大學, 24-25 Sep. 2021.

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Jun-Fa YEH | 葉俊發

Research Assistant, Yr 2023

NTU MS Thesis: Sources Apportionment of Atmospheric Visibility Degradation in Central Taiwan: From the perspective of particle size distribution

碩士班同學 葉俊發 榮獲 第28屆國際氣膠科技研討會, 學生論文競賽第二名

  • Jun-Fa Yeh, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Li-Hao Young, Wen-Yinn Lin, Shui-Jen Chen, 以微粒粒徑分佈之受體模式源解析解構大氣能見度劣化, 第19屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心, 20 Jul. 2022.

  • Jun-Fa Yeh, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Li-Hao Young, Wen-Yinn Lin, Shui-Jen Chen, Sources Apportionment of Atmospheric Visibility Degradation in Central Taiwan, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • Jun-Fa Yeh, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Li-Hao Young, Wen-Yinn Lin, Pei-Te Chiueh, Shui-Jen Chen, Source apportionment of visibility based on particle size distributions, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東科技大學, 24-25 Sep. 2021.

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Jui-Hung YEN | 顏睿紘

Research Assistant, Yr 2023

NTU MS Thesis: A Metagenomic Framework Reveals the Dissemination Scenario of Airborne Antibiotic Resistance Genes in an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant

碩士班同學 顏睿紘 榮獲 第28屆國際氣膠科技研討會, 學生論文競賽第三名

碩士班同學 顏睿紘 榮獲 第18屆環境保護與奈米科技研討會, 學生論文競賽第一名

  • Jui-Hung Yen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Hsin-Hsin Tung, Wan-Ru Chen, and Kai-Hsien Chi, 應用總體基因體學於都市污水處理廠之空氣傳播抗藥性基因之研究, 中華民國環境工程學會第三十四屆(2022)年會暨各專門學術研討會, 國立中山大學, 18-19 Nov. 2022.

  • Jui-Hung Yen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Hsin-hsin Tung, Wan-Ru Chen, Kai-Hsien Chi, Airborne Antibiotic Resistance Genes Emitted from an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • Jui-Hung Yen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Wan-Ru Chen, Yang-Chun Huang, Kai-Hsien Chi, Jian-Guo Lian, Metagenomic analysis reveals the risk of antibiotic resistance genes in an urban wastewater treatment plant, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東科技大學, 24-25 Sep. 2021.

  • Jui-Hung Yen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Wan-Ru Chen, Yang-Chun Huang, Kai-Hsien Chi, Jian-Guo Lian, Antibiotic resistance genes and emerging contaminants emitted from an urban wastewater treatment plant, 第18屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立中山大學, 02 Jul. 2021.

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Yan-Hsuan LIN | 林晏瑄

NTU MS Thesis: Source Apportionment of PM2.5 Nitrate in Urban and Suburban Areas of Taichung, Taiwan Using Nitrate Isotopic Composition


碩士班同學 林晏瑄 榮獲 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2022), Tai & Chyun Student Poster Award 2nd Place

  • 蕭大智、林晏瑄, PM2.5硝酸之同位素組成分析及來源評估, 中華民國環境工程學會第三十四屆(2022)年會暨各專門學術研討會, 國立中山大學, 18-19 Nov. 2022.

  • Yan-Syuan Lin, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Investigation of Atmospheric Pathways and Source Apportionment of Nitrate in PM2.5 Using Isotopic Compositions, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

Chun-Chen LU | 呂淳珍

​Research Assistant, Yr 2022

NTU MS Thesis: Characteristics and Seasonal Variations of Secondary Aerosols during Visibility Degradation

碩士班同學 呂淳珍 榮獲 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2022), Tai & Chyun Student Oral Award 1st Place

碩士班同學 呂淳珍 榮獲 第19屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會 論文發表競賽佳作

  • Chun-Chen Lu, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Li-Hao Young, Wen-Yinn Lin, Shui-Jen Chen, 大氣能見度劣化期間衍生性粒狀污染物特徵與貢獻變化, 第19屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心, 20 Jul. 2022.

  • Chun-Chen Lu, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Li-Hao Young, Wen-Yinn Lin, Shui-Jen Chen, Characteristics and Seasonal Variations of Secondary Aerosols during Visibility Degradation, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, June 12-16 2022, Taipei.

  • Chen-Chun Lu, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Yu-Ting Chen, Pei-Te Chiueh, Li-Hao Young, Wen-Yinn Lin, Shui-Jen Chen, Seasonal impacts of secondary aerosols on visibility impairment in Taichung, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東科技大學, 24-25 Sep. 2021.

Ya-Shiuan LIU | 劉亞璇

MS Student, Yr 2017

Undergraduate School: Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan

Undergraduate Major: Environmental Sci. & Engr.

  • 劉亞璇、侯文哲、蕭大智*, 建立與開發串聯DMA-SP ICP-MS複合系統以即時分析大氣奈米微粒之分徑成份分佈, 2018玉山永續環境論壇暨第15屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立成功大學, 22 May 2018.

Shu-Wen YOU | 游書聞

Research Assistant, Yr 2022.05.01~2020.06.30

2018-2020 | M.S. Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering,
National Taiwan University

Currently pursuing PhD degree at Washington University in St. Louis

AAC2022 Secretary

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Hao-Lin FAN | 方浩霖

Research Assistant, Yr 2022.02.01~2020.08.31

2017-2021 | B.S. Dept. of Environmental Engineering,
National Chung Hsing University

Currently pursuing MS degree at UC Davis

TSMC Project RA

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Yen-Feng LEE | 李彥鋒

Research Assistant, Yr 2020~2022.3.31

AAC2022 Secretary

Jih-Hsun YEH | 葉日勛

NTU MS Thesis: Estimation of emission factors for mobile sources and stationary sources: The cases of real world vehicle fleet emission and coal pile in industrial area


  • Jih-Hsun Yeh, Wei-Nai Chen, Ta-Chih Hsiao and Charles C.-K. Chou, Estimation of emission factors for mobile sources and stationary sources : The cases of real world vehicle fleet emission and coal pile in industrial area, 第18屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立中山大學, 02 Jul. 2021.

Chen-Hao LAI | 賴晨昊

NTU MS Thesis: Size distribution of fine and ultrafine particles in Taipei urban area: Near-road monitoring and source apportionment


碩士班同學 賴晨昊 榮獲中華民國環境工程學會第三十三屆(2021)年會暨各專門學術研討會, 張能復教授紀念論文獎

  • Chen-Hao Lai, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Influence of Particle Size Distribution on IoT PM Sensor’s Data Quality, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林科技大學, 25-26 Sep. 2020.

Tsai-Ling CHEN | 陳彩鈴

NTU MS Thesis: Effects of Electronic Cigarette Aerosols on Atherosclerosis: Role of Particle Size Distribution and Chemical Compositions


碩士班同學 陳彩鈴 榮獲 TSIEQ2021 Student Paper Competition Award, Third Prize

碩士班同學 陳彩鈴 榮獲 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會 學生論文英文短講競賽 第一名

  • Tsai-Ling Chen, Shih-Hsin Cheng, Kai-Chien Yang, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Animal Exposure Study to Investigate the Impact of Electronic Cigarette Aerosols on Atherosclerosis, International Environmental Engineering Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers jointly with the 4th International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2019 (IEEC & BWR 2019), Busan, Korea, 10-13 Dec. 2019.

  • Tsai-Ling Chen, Kai-Chien Yang, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Impact of Inhaling Electronic Cigarette Aerosols on Atherosclerosis: The ApoE-/- Mouse Model, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林科技大學, 25-26 Sep. 2020.

  • Tsai-Ling Chen, Kai-Chien Yang, Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Effects of Electronic Cigarette Aerosols on Atherosclerosis: Role of Particle Size Distribution and Chemical Compositions, 2021 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality Health , Infection Prevention and Intelligent Living in Asia (TSIEQ2021), Cheng Kung University, 3-4 June. 2021.

Hsiang-Hao CHUANG | 莊享豪

NTU MS Thesis: Airborne Ultrafine Particles in Hospital Operating Rooms: Trajectory Simulations and In-situ Monitoring


碩士班同學 莊享豪 榮獲 TSIEQ2021 Student Paper Competition Award, First Prize

  • Hsiang-Hao Chuang , Yu-Hsuan Cheng, Po-Kai Chang, Ching-Chun Lin, Tzu-Ting Yang, Hsiao-Chi Chuang, Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Pau-Chung Chen, Ultrafine Particles Transmission in an Operating Room Revealed Through CFD Simulation and In-site Monitoring, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會-2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林科技大學, 25-26 Sep. 2020.

  • Hsiang-Hao Chuang, Po-Kai Chang, Ching-Chun Lin, Tzu-Ting Yang, Hsiao-Chi Chuang, Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Pau-Chung Chen, Indoor Transport of Airborne Ultrafine Particles: Trajectory Simulations and In-situ Monitoring, 2021 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality Health , Infection Prevention and Intelligent Living in Asia (TSIEQ2021), Cheng Kung University, 3-4 June. 2021.

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Sih-Yu CHEN | 陳思宇

NCU MS Thesis: 能見度劣化與細及超細懸浮微粒粒徑分布分佈之關係 − 以台中地區為例


Research Assistant, Yr 2020~2020.12.31

  • 陳思宇、楊禮豪、林唐煌、蕭大智, 台中地區細懸浮微粒粒徑分佈與能見度之關係, 第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會, 成功大學, 14-15 Sept. 2018.

Che-An WU | 吳哲安

NTU MS Thesis: Aerosol’s volatility, hygroscopicity and effective density in Taipei urban area, Taiwan


Research Assistant, Yr 2020~2020.09.30

碩士班同學 吳哲安 榮獲大氣科學研究生研討會碩士班組論文競賽優等獎。

  • Che-An Wu and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Measurement and Analysis of Roadside Ultrafine Particle’s Density, 2019年大氣科學學門研究成果發表會暨研究生海報競賽, 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心, 15-16 Feb. 2019.

  • Che-An Wu and Ta-Chih Hsiao, A hyphenated volatile tandem differential mobility analyzer, aerosol particle mass analyzer and cloud condensation nuclei counter (VT-DMA-APM-CCNc) system, 2019 台灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 TGA, 台北世貿南港展覽館, 14-17 May. 2019.

  • Che-An Wu and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Aerosol’s volatility, hygroscopicity and effective density in Taiwan urban area, 2019 Theory & Technique International Aerosol Conference and Malaysia Air Quality Annual Symposium, Hotel Balik Pulau, Malacca, Malaysia, 7-10 Aug. 2019.

  • Che-An Wu and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Aerosol’s volatility, hygroscopicity and effective density in Taiwan urban area, 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology 2019 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Air Quality, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, 4-5 Oct. 2019.

Yu-Hsuan CHENG | 鄭宇軒

NTU MS Thesis: 以自強隧道實驗研究台灣本土移動源粒徑分佈特徵及相關排放係數


Kuan WU | 吳寬

NTU MS Thesis: 受體模式PMF結合PM2.5碳成分之探討


碩士班同學 吳寬 榮獲STUDENT PAPER AWARD THIRD PLACE in the 28th Joint KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS Symposium on Environmental Engineering。

  • Kuan Wu and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Using Carbonaceous Composition as PM Chemical Speciation Data for PMF Source Apportionment, The 28th Joint KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS Symposium on Environmental Engineering , Taipei, 4-6 July. 2019.

Yi-Da LI | 李易達

NTU MS Thesis: The Atmospheric Aging of Black Carbon Particles Induced by Simulated Sunlight


碩士班同學 李易達 榮獲第二十六屆國際氣膠科技研討會學生論文短講競賽第三名。

  • Yi-Da Li and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Changes of Black Carbon Particles Properties Induced by Ambient Air Along with Simulated Sunlight, 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology 2019 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Air Quality, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, 4-5 Oct. 2019.

  • Yi-Da Li and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Changes of Black Carbon Particles Properties Induced by Ambient Air Along with Simulated Sunlight, THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS TO AIR QUALITY, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-30 Oct. 2019.

Po-Chang HUNG | 洪伯彰

NTU MS Thesis: 臺灣交通源空氣污染物之排放特徵與排放特性描述:以自強隧道實驗為例


Hao-Zhe CHANG | 張昊哲

MS Thesis: 使用中機車粒狀物量測技術開發與定檢效益評估


  • 張昊哲、蕭大智, 建置評估串聯式電移動度分徑系統之效 建置評估串聯式電移動度分徑系統之效能, 第二十四屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2017細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與氣候變遷論壇, 東海大學, 7-9 Sep. 2017.

Ting-Hsuan WANG | 王婷萱

MS Thesis: 能見度劣化期間細懸浮微粒、含碳物質及水溶性無機鹽離子質量濃度之特徵分析-以台中地區為例


  • 王婷萱、蕭大智、林唐煌、楊禮豪, 台中地區懸浮微粒、黑碳與有機碳質量濃度與能見度之關係, 第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會, 成功大學, 14-15 Sept. 2018.

  • 王婷萱、楊禮豪、林唐煌、蕭大智, 台中地區懸浮微粒、含碳物質及水溶性無機離子質量濃度與能見度之關係, 第二十六屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2019年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與空氣品質研討會, 中原大學, 4-5 Oct. 2019.

Jung-Chiu CHEN | 陳榮秋

MS Thesis: 由PM2.5氣膠光學性質分析台中地區的能見度變化


  • 陳榮秋、蕭大智、林唐煌、楊禮豪, 台中地區能見度與氣膠光學性質的量測與分析, 第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會, 成功大學, 14-15 Sep. 2018.

  • 陳榮秋、林唐煌、楊禮豪、蕭大智, 以氣膠光學性質分析台中地區能見度劣化的成因, 第二十六屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2019年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與空氣品質研討會, 中原大學, 4-5 Oct. 2019.

  • 民生公共物聯網 - 資料應用競賽 (2019)

Chen-Hua WANG | 王振驊

Research Assistant, Yr 2019~2020.02.28

  • Chen-Hua Wang, Yi-Ying Chen, Po-Kai Chang, Hsiao-Chi Chuang, and Ta-Chih, Hsiao, Establishment of a PM toxicity evaluation platform for tailpipe emissions under real driving conditions, The 37th American Association for Aerosol Research Annual Conference, Hotel Balik Pulau, Malacca, Malaysia, 14-18 Oct. 2019.

Bo-Jean HUANG | 黃柏竣

MS Thesis: 以無人飛行載具(UAV)平台探討空氣污染物之垂直分佈特徵及搭載之氣膠儀器性能評估


  • Po-Chun Huang, Ta-Chih Hsaio, Da-Ren Chen, Wei-Nai Chen, Performance evaluation and design of miniature DMA for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, 第14 屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨奈米科技應用展望論壇, 東海大學, 19 May 2017.

  • 榮獲2017年第14 屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨奈米科技應用展望論壇優秀論文獎第一名

  • 黃柏竣、蕭大智、陳大仁、陳韡鼐, 評估微型電移動度粒徑分析儀(DMA)之傳輸函數, 第二十四屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2017細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與氣候變遷論壇, 東海大學, 7-9 Sept. 2017.

  • 黃柏竣、蕭大智*、陳大仁、陳韡鼐, 以傳輸函數評估用於無人飛行載具之微型微分式電移動度分析儀, 2018玉山永續環境論壇暨第15屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立成功大學, 22 May 2018.

Yu-Hui WANG | 王瑜慧

Research Assistant, Yr 2019~2019.12.31

MS Thesis: 台北都會區PM1.0微粒物理特徵描述與含碳氣膠來源分析


  • 王瑜慧、蕭大智, 量測與分析台北都會區黑碳氣膠粒徑特徵, 第二十四屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2017細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與氣候變遷論壇, 東海大學, 7-9 Sept. 2017.

  • 王瑜慧、蕭大智*, 量測與分析台北都會區細懸浮微粒特性和黑碳來源評估, 2018玉山永續環境論壇暨第15屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立成功大學, 22 May 2018.

Wan-Chien LIEN | 連婉茜

Research Assistant, Yr 2018~2019.07.31

MS Thesis: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Particles Emitted from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants


  • 2017.03.07-12 | Personal Exposure to Biomass Burning Aerosols Study at Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  • 連婉茜、蕭大智、莊校奇, 測試個人式空氣品質採樣器結合 FitbitFitbit Fitbit 健康手環實驗系統用以解析東南亞地區 用以解析東南亞地區 PM 2.5 與人體心肺頻率之關係(海報), 第二十四屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2017細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與氣候變遷論壇, 東海大學, 7-9 Sep. 2017.

  • Wan-Chien Lien, Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Angela Yu-Chen Lin, Yen-Ching Lin, Physical and Biological Characteristics of Particles Emitted from Wastewater Treatment Plants, 2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology, Gangwon-do, Korea, June 10-13, 2018.

  • 連婉茜、蕭大智*、林彥妗、林郁真, 污水處理場逸散之潛在生物氣膠微粒特性, 2018玉山永續環境論壇暨第15屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立成功大學, 22 May 2018.

Wei-Jen HSIEH | 謝惟任

MS Thesis: 臺灣地區受境外傳輸及本地污染影響之雲凝結核特性分析


  • 2017 09-12 | Taichung Visibility Impairment IOP. TungHai University, Taichung, Taiwan.

  • 謝惟任、蕭大智、郭俊江、林能暉, 台灣北端空氣污染物於春冬兩季受東北亞境外傳輸之影響特性解析, 2017大氣科學學門研究成果發表會暨研究生海報競賽, 苗栗西湖渡假村, 9-10 Feb. 2017.

  • 謝惟任、蕭大智、郭俊江、林能暉, 台灣北端空氣汙染物於春冬兩季受東亞境外傳輸影響之特性解析 (海報), 第二十四屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2017細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與氣候變遷論壇, 東海大學, 7-9 Sep. 2017.

  • Wei-Jen Hsieh, Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Neng-Huei Lin and Chun-Chiang Kuo, Characteristics of Cloud Condensation Nuclei in an Urban Region of Central Taiwan, 2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology, Gangwon-do, Korea, June 10-13, 2018.

Ferret KUO | 郭俊江

Lab Manager

2014/8 - 2018/2

2005-2006 | M.S. Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University


2000-2004 | B.S. Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University

2017 09-12 | Taichung Visibility Impairment IOP. TungHai University, Taichung, Taiwan.

2017 03 & 05 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Chiang Mai, Thailand.

2016 10-11 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Cape Fugui, Taiwan.

2016 03-04 | Spring IOP. Mt. Lulin, Taiwan.

2016 03 & 05 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

2015 10-11 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Cape Fugui, Taiwan.

2015 03-04 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Doi Angkhang, Thailand.

2014 03-04 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Cape Fugui, Taiwan.

2013 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS) campaign. Sonla, Vietnam.

2012 | Technician of Peaceful Pioneer Technology Company.

2009 | 7-Southeast-Asia-Studies (7SEAS)-Dongsha campaign. Dongsha island, Taiwan.

2006 | Biomass-burning Aerosols in South-East Asia Smoke Impact Assessment (BASE-ASIA) campaign. Phimai, Thailand.

  • Chun-Chiang (Ferret) Kuo, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Neng-Huei Lin and Guey-Rong Sheu, Aerosol physical properties of Spring outflow from Southeast Asia Based on 2016 IOP at Mt. Lulin, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, Jeju, Korea, 2-6 Jul. 2017.

Ying-Jiun CHEN | 陳盈均

MS. Thesis: 香菸煙霧微粒的物理特性對肺部沉積模式之影響並應用於慢性阻塞性肺病小鼠模型

2015/8 - 2018/2

  • 陳盈均、莊校奇、蕭大智、李岡遠, 自噬作用在慢性阻塞性肺病病患使用類固醇藥物抗發炎之角色扮演-以動物模式進行探討, 第23 屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與健康照護研討會, 國立陽明大學, 23-24 Sept. 2016.

  • 陳盈均、莊校奇、蕭大智、李岡遠, 以慢性阻塞性肺病動物模型探討類固醇藥物與自噬作用抗發炎之關係, 第13 屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨新穎水處理技術論壇, 國立台灣大學, 27 May 2016.

  • Ying-Jyun Chen, Hsiao-Chi Chuang , Ta-Chih Hsiao, Kang-Yun Lee, The Role of Autophagy on Corticosteroid Insensitivity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Animal Model, 2016 11th International Particle Toxicology Conference, Biopolis Matrix, Singapore, 26-29 Sept. 2016.

  • Ying-Jyun Chen, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Hsiao-Chi Chuang, Kang-Yun Lee, To investigate the effects of mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke nanoparticles on human lung deposition, 第14 屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨奈米科技應用展望論壇, 東海大學, 19 May 2017.

Po-Hsiang HUANG | 黃柏翔

MS. Thesis: 以HT-DMA-APM/CCNC系統探討降濕條件對奈米無機鹽微粒的生成構形與雲凝結核活化率之影響

2015/8 - 2018/1

  • 黃柏翔、蕭大智、陳昭宇, 以氣膠噴塗方式製備鈣鈦礦薄膜應用於太陽能電池及其結晶形態之探討, 第23 屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與健康照護研討會, 國立陽明大學, 23-24 Sept. 2016.

  • Po-Hsiang Huang and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Investigating the dehydration behavior and phase transition
     of inorganic nanoparticles by a hygroscopic DMA- APM system, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, Jeju, Korea, 2-6 Jul. 2017.

  • Po-Hsiang Huang, Ta-Chih Hsiao and Peter Chen, Fabricating Perovskite Layer in Solar Cells via
    Aerosol Spray-Deposition Technique, 7th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT 2017), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 30 Jul.-3 Aug. 2017.

Zhe-Wei LIN | 林哲緯

Research Assistant, Yr 2017~2017.12.31

MS. Thesis: 台灣北部高車流量地區細懸浮微粒和超細懸浮微粒的物理特性

2014/8 - 2017/9

  • 林哲緯、蕭大智, 台北都會高車流量地區PM2.5、PM1.0及微粒粒徑分佈, 中華民國環境工程學會第27屆年會空氣污染控制技術研討會, 中原大學, Nov. 13-14, 2015.

  • Zhe-Wei Lin, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Tsun-Jen Cheng, Hsiao-Chi Chuang, and Kai-Jen Chuang, Characterization of Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matters at a Heavy-traffic Roadside in Taipei Urban Area, The 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, National Yang-Ming University, 23-24 Sep. 2016.

  • 林哲緯、蕭大智, 台灣北部都會地區細懸浮及超細懸浮微粒物理特性之季節變化, 第十五屆海峽兩岸氣膠技術研討會, 東海大學, Sep. 6-12, 2017.

Jing-Chi LIN | 林璟琪

MS. Thesis: Effect of Particle Morphology on Performance of ESP-ALI

2015/8 - 2017/8

  • Currently working in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

  • 林璟琪、蕭大智、王應然, 非球微粒碎形維度對於靜電式氣液介面(ESP-ALI)暴露系統收集效率之影響, 第23 屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與健康照護研討會, 國立陽明大學, 23-24 Sept. 2016.


  • Jing-Chi Lin and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Spherical or Non-spherical ? Effect of Particle Morphology
    on Performance of Electrostatic Precipitator for Collecting Nanoparticles, 2016 23th TwICHE Annual Conference, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, 25-26 Nov. 2016.

  • Jung-Chi Lin and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Effect of Particle Morphology on Performance of ESP-ALI, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, Jeju, Korea, 2-6 Jul. 2017.


Chien-Chieh LIAO | 廖健捷

MS. Thesis: 利用移動式平台量測台灣北部都會區道路上細懸浮微粒在時間與空間上的變化

2014/8 - 2017/7

  • Currently working in CTCI.

  • 廖健捷、蕭大智, 台北都會區超細懸浮微粒特性研究 - 移動式平台量測, 中華民國環境工程學會第27屆年會空氣污染控制技術研討會, 中原大學, Nov. 13-14, 2015.

  • 廖健捷、蕭大智、莊校奇、溫曉雲、鄭乃云、潘致弘, 手術房中手術煙霧微粒之物理特性與粒徑分佈, 第13 屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨新穎水處理技術論壇, 國立台灣大學, 27 May 2016.

  • 廖健捷、蕭大智、鄭尊仁、莊校奇、莊凱任, 以移動平台量測台北都會區道路上懸浮微粒與其特性研究, 第23 屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與健康照護研討會, 國立陽明大學, 23-24 Sept. 2016.

  • Chien Chieh Liao, Ta Chih Hsiao , Hsiao Chi Chuang , Hsiao Yun Wen, Nai Yun Cheng,
    Kai Jen Chuang, Yang Hwei Tsuang, and Chih Hing Pan, Physical Characteristics and Size Distribution of Surgical Smoke Particles in Operating Room (Poster), 第二十四屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2017細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與氣候變遷論壇, 東海大學, 7-9 Sept. 2017.

Yu-Chun TAI | 戴于鈞

MS. Thesis: Performance and Feasibility Evaluation of APM on Application of Ambient Measurements

2013/5 - 2016/1

  • Yu Chun Tai, Li-Hao Young and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Theoretical Study on Performance of Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer under Different Condition, 22nd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, 2-3 Oct. 2015.

  • Yu Chun Tai, Li-Hao Young and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Effect of Gas Viscosity on Performance of Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, 2015 Asian Aerosol Conference, Kanazawa, Japan, 24-27 Aug. 2015.

  • 戴于鈞、蕭大智、楊禮豪, 以APM-SMPS 系統量測氣膠微粒之有效密度, 第21 屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中山大學, 26-27 Sep. 2014.

Yu-Fang SHEN | 沈妤芳

MS. Thesis: 研究微粒帶電性質與呼吸毒理之關聯: 以小鼠暴露奈米黑碳微粒實驗為例

2013/8 - 2015/12

  • 沈妤芳、莊校奇、蕭大智, 研究微粒帶電性質與呼吸毒理之關聯: 以小鼠暴露奈米碳黑微粒實驗為例, 22nd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology-2015 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Health, Miaoli, Taiwan, Oct. 2-3, 2015.

  • 沈妤芳、蕭大智,實驗模擬測試大氣環境中內部混合微粒之雲凝結核活化率, 第21屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中山大學, Sep. 26-27, 2014.

  • 沈妤芳、陳可青、蕭大智, 氣膠吸濕特性量測之加濕系統比較與改良, 第20屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中央大學, 27-28 Sep. 2013.

Po-Kai CHANG | 張博凱

MS. Thesis: 以數值模擬分析狹縫型虛擬衝擊器之效能

2013/5 - 2015/9

  • Po-Kai Chang and Ta-Chih Hsiao, A CFD Study of Flow Effects and Geometrical Parameters on Performance of A Slit Virtual Impactor, 2015 Asian Aerosol Conference, Kanazawa, Japan, Jun. 24-26, 2015.

  • 張博凱、白光宇、黃振榮、蕭大智, 高流量細懸浮微粒濃縮器測試與改良, 第21屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中山大學, Sep. 26-27, 2014.

  • Po-Kai Chang, Guenter Engling, Jhen-Rong Huang, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Virtual Impactor as Aerosol Particle Concentrator – Design, Numerical Simulation and Performance Evaluation, The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7), Beijing, China, May 19-22, 2014.

Po-Yang CHANG | 張柏陽 (Co-advised with Prof. Guenter Engling at NTHU)

MS. Thesis: Development and Performance Characterization of a Steam-based Aerosol Collector

2013/8 - 2015/8

Wei-Cheng YEH | 葉威成

MS. Thesis: In Situ Measurements of CCN Activity and Aerosol Optical Properties at Biomass Burning Source and Receptor Regions

2013/8 - 2015/9

  • Currently working at PARTICLE MEASURING SYSTEMS (PMS台灣).

  • Wei-Chung Ye, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Neng-Huei Lin and Si-Chee Tsay, Characteristics of Aerosol Optical Properties at Lulin Atmospheric Background Station in Taiwan, 2015 Asian Aerosol Conference, Kanazawa, Japan, Jun. 24-26, 2015.

  • 葉威成、蕭大智、王聖翔、林能暉, 東南亞生質燃燒氣膠經長程傳輸後微物理特性之探討, 第21屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中山大學, Sep. 26-27, 2014.

Zi-Hao LIN | 林子皓

MS. Thesis: 應用與比較靜電式氣液介面暴露系統與沉浸式暴露法於奈米銀毒性測試結果

2012/8 - 2015/5

  • Currently working at Inventec Corporation.

  • Ta-Chih Hsiao and Zi-Hao Lin, Effect of Dynamic Shape Factor on Particle Decay Rate in Test Chamber, 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong, July 7-12, 2014.

  • 林子皓、戴于鈞、蕭大智, 以蒸發凝結法產生的奈米銀微粒於氣相及液相中之物化特性研究, 第20屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中央大學, Sep. 27-28, 2013.

  • 蕭大智、林子皓, 蒸發凝結法生成之奈米銀微粒以水相收集後特性的變化, 第十屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立交通大學, May 17, 2013.

Ke-Ching CHEN | 陳可青

MS. Thesis: 以HTDMA與HT DMA-APM系統探討無機鹽奈米微粒的吸溼行為

2012/8 - 2014/12

  • Currently working in Environmental Science Technology Consultants Corporation.

  • 榮獲中央大學103學年度第一學期 優秀學生獎學金

  • 榮獲2014 International Aerosol Conference Student Travel Award

  • Ke-Ching Chen and Ta-Chih Hsiao, Investigation the hygroscopic behavior of inorganic particles using HTDMA-APM system, 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, Korea, Aug. 28–Sept. 2, 2014.

  • 榮獲2013年環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會最佳口頭發表

  • 蕭大智、陳可青, 無機鹽奈米微粒大小與構型對吸濕特性的影響, 第十屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立交通大學, May 17, 2013.

Zhong-Sin (Edgar) YE | 葉宗鑫 (Co-advised with Prof. Neng-Huei (George) Lin at Dept. of Atm. Sci.)

MS. Thesis: 泰北生質燃燒源區氣膠與雲凝結核特性

2011/8 - 2014/1

  • 葉宗鑫、林能暉、蕭大智, 泰北生質燃燒源區氣膠與雲凝結核特性, 第20屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中央大學, Sep. 27-28, 2013.

Ya-Chien CHANGCHIEN | 張簡亞乾

MS. Thesis: 靜電集塵式ALI暴露系統之設計、開發與評估

2011/8 - 2014/1

  • Ta-Chih Hsiao, Ya Chien Chang Chien, Wei Cheng Fang, Chun Wan Chen, Development and Evaluation of an ESP type ALI(Air-Liquid Interface) Cell Exposure System, 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 28-31, 2013.

  • 張簡亞乾、蕭大智, 以電噴霧及電暈帶電提升ALI暴露系統效率之比較, 第20屆國際氣膠科技研討會 暨 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測與管制策略研討會, 國立中央大學, 27-28 Sep. 2013.

  • 蕭大智、張簡亞乾、鄭妘菁、陳春萬, 空氣中奈米微粒直接進行細胞株危害性測試系統之建立, 第九屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會, 國立高雄大學, May 18, 2012.

Wei Chen FANG | 方緯宸

MS. Thesis: 以COMSOL Multiphysics模擬氣懸微粒於靜電集塵式細胞株暴露系統中之運動軌跡

2011/8 - 2013/9

  • Wei-Chen Fang 方緯宸| IOH 開放個人經驗平台驗平台

  • Currently working at Formosa Plastics Group.

  • 蕭大智、方緯宸、張簡亞乾、陳春萬, 以COMSOL Multiphysics模擬氣懸微粒於靜電集塵式細胞株暴露系統中之運動軌跡, 中華民國環境工程學會第24屆年會空氣污染控制技術研討會, 中原大學, Nov. 23-24, 2012.

  • 榮獲2012年中華民國環境工程學會碩博班論文競賽第三名

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